we arescrapping for the environment

Note on the use of cookies

Seller: Pollini Lorenzo E Figli S.R.L
Registred Office: Via Gavardina N. 30 – 25081 Bedizzole (Bs)
VAT Number: 00696460989
Registration to the Brescia Reg. of Companies No.: 00696460989


The site'www.autodemolizionepollini.it' or the 'Site' uses cookies to make its services simple and efficient for users viewing any Pollini Lorenzo e Figli Srl pages.

Users viewing the website will receive small packets of information in their computer or mobile devices; these are in the form of minimal text files called 'cookies' that are stored in the directories used by the user's web browser. There are several types of cookies; some enhance the website usage, others enable specific features. We analyse our cookies in detail so that:

  • store your preferences
  • avoid users re-entering the same details several times during the visit such as user name and password
  • analyse the use made of the services and content provided by Pollini Lorenzo e Figli Srl in order to optimize the browsing experience and the services offered

Types of Cookies

Below are the various types of cookies according to the intended use

  • Analytical cookies

    Cookies in this category are used to collect information about use of the website. Pollini Lorenzo e Figli Srl uses this information for the purposes of anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve Website usage and to make the experience more interesting and relevant to user needs. This type of cookie anonymously collects data on the activity patterns of users and on how they land on the website. Analytical cookies are sent from the website itself or by third-party domains.

  • Analytical cookies for third-party services

    These cookies are used to anonymously collect information about Website usage such as page views, time spent, traffic source, geographical origin, age, gender and interests for the purposes of marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent from third-party domains external to the Site.

  • Cookies to integrate products and functions of third-party software

    This type of cookie interacts with functions developed by third parties and active within the pages of the website, such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks in order to share the website contents or for the use of third-party software services (such as software which generates maps and additional software that offers supplementary services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and partner sites that offer their functionality across the web pages of the Website.

Websites and third-party services

This Website may contain links to other websites that have their own privacy policy which may differ from the one adopted by Pollini Lorenzo e Figli Srl, which is therefore not liable for these websites.

Below is the list cookies used by this Website:

marketing/analitico NID 6 mesi Google HTTP Cookie Utilizzato da Google Maps. Regola il funzionamento delle mappe dinamiche.
tecnico PHPSESSID sessione autodemolizionepoolini.it HTML Local Storage Cookie nativo di PHP e consente ai siti Web di memorizzare dati sullo stato della sessione.
analitico _dc_gtm_* sessione Google HTML Local Storage Utilizzato da Google Tag manager per controllare il caricamento degli script tag di Google Analytics
marketing/analitico _fbp 3 mesi Facebook HTTP Cookie Utilizzato da Facebook per fornire una serie di prodotti pubblicitari come offerte in tempo reale da inserzionisti terzi.
analitico _ga 2 anni Google HTTP Cookie Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet.
marketing/analitico _gcl_au 3 mesi Google HTTP Cookie Utilizzato da Google AdSense per sperimentare l'efficacia pubblicitaria su tutti i siti web che utilizzano i loro servizi.
analitico _gid 1 giorno Google HTTP Cookie Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet.
tecnico cookie_consent_* 1 anno autodemolizionepoolini.it HTML Local Storage Utilizato da autodemolizionepoolini.it per salvare le preferenze impostate dall'utente sull'utilizzo dei cookie
tecnico cookies-are-enabled sessione autodemolizionepoolini.it HTML Local Storage Utilizato da autodemolizionepoolini.it per salvare le preferenze impostate dall'utente sull'utilizzo dei cookie

Information on third party cookies

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